Article 01 - Learning and Development

Learning and Development 


Learning and development, also known as L&D, is one of the key components of human resource management. It involves creating and implementing strategies to enhance the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of employees to improve their performance and productivity. L&D for employees is a critical element of any organization's success.

 What is Learning and Development (L&D)

Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Learning and development (L&D) is a systematic approach to improving employee performance and organizational effectiveness. It encompasses a broad range of activities, such as training, development, and organization development.

Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning. It can be used to teach new skills, knowledge, or attitudes.

Development is the process of improving individual performance in their current role and preparing them for greater responsibilities in the future. It can involve coaching, mentoring, job rotation, or other forms of experiential learning.

Organization Development is the process of improving the overall effectiveness of an organization. It can involve team building, culture change, or other interventions designed to improve communication, collaboration, and problem-solving.

According to the Filip Lievens, the goal of learning and development is to develop or change the behavior of individuals or groups for the better, sharing knowledge and insights that enable them to do their work better, or cultivate attitudes that help them perform better. Lievens, (2011).

Commencing an employee's learning and development journey right from the moment of joining your organization reinforces your company's dedication to prioritizing and fostering HR learning and development.

Areas of Learning and Development

For the purpose of promoting both personal and professional development, individuals and organizations can concentrate on a number of learning and development topics.



Major Advantages in Learning and Development

Learning and growth provide numerous important advantages for both people and organizations. Among the most significant advantages are:

                   Increase productivity                        Improved performance

                   Higher job satisfaction                     Securing and keeping the best talent

                   Increased inventiveness                   Enhanced staff well being

                   Lowered tension                                 Increased confidence


 The specialized task of employee development, employee growth, and the acquisition of new abilities are the areas of focus for learning and development. To affect employee happiness and retention, one must adopt a proactive strategy.

I have been working for a reputable insurance brokering company in Sri Lanka since 2000.In the insurance industry, learning and development (L&D) activities provide a variety of major advantages that support insurance businesses' expansion, competitiveness, and overall success. Investing in learning and development within the insurance sector has major benefits as mentioned above.

Continuous learning and development are not only advantageous, but they are also necessary for surviving and thriving in the fast-paced, fiercely competitive world of insurance. Insurance providers may foster innovation, raise customer happiness, and establish themselves as industry leaders by investing in the development and skills of their personnel.

Learning and development is a worthwhile investment overall for people and businesses. It can result in enhanced efficiency, better performance, greater job satisfaction, and a variety of other advantages.L&D is an excellent place to start if you're seeking for ways to advance your career. You can select a learning strategy that works for you because there are numerous options available. You can take advantage of L&D's many advantages with a little work.


Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management.  13th ed. New Delhi, Kogan Page Limited.
Lievens, F. (2011). Handbook human resource management: back to basics (6th ed.). Lannoo Campus.
Knowledge Hub, (2022) Learning and development. Learning and Development Fundamentals [Online]. Available at Accessed on 05th August 2023.









  1. The post effectively defines Learning and development.
    In addition to this "How can a proactive learning and development strategy improve employee satisfaction, retention, and overall organizational success?" according to your view.

    1. Yes, It will be a success overall for the organization in several ways.Such as,Enhanced engagement of employees creating a learning culture, getting the best talent and changing with the needs, enhanced retention of employees boosting of employee morale, leadership training, compliance with organizational objectives, creativity and innovation.

  2. Hi Wasantha, good review on Learning and Development. The effectiveness of learning & Development measurement methods may vary depending on the nature of the training, the industry, and the specific goals of the learning and development program. Do you believe that the effective Learning and Development methodologies will positive impact on the Employee turnover and retention rates of an organization?

    1. Effective learning and development strategies encourage job satisfaction, career advancement, loyalty, and a sense of belonging inside the organization, which has a beneficial impact on employee turnover and retention rates. People are more likely to stick with a company that values their professional development and makes commitments in it.

  3. The inclusion of Filip Lievens' perspective on the goal of learning and development adds credibility and depth to the discussion. Emphasizing the importance of starting an employee's learning journey from the moment they join an organization showcases the commitment to continuous improvement and employee development. How can organizations effectively measure the impact of learning and development initiatives on employee performance and overall organizational effectiveness?"

    1. Organizations can effectively measure the impact of learning and development initiatives on employee performance and overall organizational effectiveness by following some steps, such as defining clear objectives and metrics, using a variety of methods, measuring at multiple levels, and using the data to make improvements.

  4. Great topic and an interesting article to read and understand more about the subject which we learned also in the classroom yesterday and it's more absorbing now after the first HRM lecture.

    In my view, it's challenging to find Local professionals for "Training and Developments" due to not enough professionals in Sri Lanka since lots of them left the country due to the financial crisis and there is a big brain drain at the moment. What's your view on that is it challenging to find professionals or still manageable?
    I have noticed about the health sector having huge issues due to migration and this article shows in detail;

    Mushtaq.M, Sri Lanka hit by record brain drain (2023), Nikkei Asia [online] Available at;

    1. I concur that it can be difficult to identify local specialists in Sri Lanka for training and growth. Organizations can take a number of actions to improve their chances of success, including:
      Join forces with organizations dedicated to training and development.
      Look outside of Sri Lanka for talent.
      Put your attention on retraining and up skilling current staff.

  5. Yes definitely, learning and development is about creating the right culture and environment for employees to learn and how do we encourage the employees to develop their skills?

    1. Employee development requires a diverse approach that combines incentive, opportunities, and support. Here are some specific ways you may use to effectively stimulate staff skill development: Lead by example, communicate the benefits,
      align with career goals, tailored development plans and provide resources.

  6. Good focus. The goal of learning and development is to develop or change the behavior of individuals or groups for the better, sharing knowledge and insights that enable them to do their work better, or cultivate attitudes that help them perform better (Lievens, 2011). what are the learning and development strategies that help to do this?

    1. Thank you Sewwandi, according to the Henderson (2017) offers a digest of some Common Learning and Development Methods. Such as
      Action learning
      Blended learning
      Case studies
      Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
      Corporate Universities

  7. Interesting post to read through. You have highlighted a very valid point under the heading organisational development. Beginning an employee's learning and development journey should start right from the moment they join your organisation. I would like to know how you encourage new members to exhibit such good traits. and your ideas would help me develop our training methods.

  8. Here are some specific strategies for motivating new hires to exhibit admirable qualities and actions right away, enhancing training.
    Welcome orientation, behavioral goal-setting, peer mentoring interactive seminars, behavioral interviews, behavioral induction, values-based scenarios, instant feedback, 360-degree feedback, inclusion in job descriptions, and managerial support.

  9. Through your post we made to understand that how important learning and development for any organization. This definitely will give the value to employee and organization in order to achieve their Goals.
    How did evaluate that employee need learning & development and what method organization can use to Identify?

    1. Understanding an employee's present skills, competences, and areas that require improvement entails a methodical process to determine their learning and development needs.

  10. Learning and development drives employee growth by providing targeted training and resources. It enhances skills, knowledge, and performance, aligning individuals with evolving business needs. Continuous learning fosters adaptability and innovation, boosting employee engagement and satisfaction. A robust learning culture promotes talent retention and attracts top talent. By investing in employees' development, organizations ensure a competitive edge, resilience, and long-term success in the ever-changing professional landscape.
    Nice article and a good read.

  11. Agreed, Learning and Development (L&D) is a strategic HR component that improves employee performance and organizational effectiveness. It encompasses training, development, and organizational enhancement, aiming to impart skills, improve current performance, and foster collaboration (Beeby, J.M., and Rathborn, S.- 1983) . L&D benefits individuals and businesses through increased productivity, better performance, job satisfaction, and talent retention. It's a valuable investment for overall growth.

  12. I agree that learning and development is a worthwhile investment for people and businesses. I have personally benefited from L&D opportunities in my career, and I have seen the positive impact it can have on organizations.
    I have a question about the blog summary. The summary mentions that there are many different learning strategies available. I am curious to know what some of the most effective learning strategies are for people who are looking to advance their careers. Do you have any recommendations?"

  13. Hello Wasantha,
    Your review of Learning and Development is insightful. The efficacy of measurement techniques for Learning & Development can differ based on training type, industry, and program objectives. The effectiveness of these methods is context-dependent and varies accordingly.

  14. How can L&D teams measure the impact of their programs on employee performance and organizational effectiveness

    1. Here are steps and strategies that L&D teams can use to measure the impact of their programs: Define clear objectives, pre & post assessments , Identify key performance indicators -(KPIs),Feedback loop.

  15. Interesting article to read. According to Rahul,(2022) Learning and development is a systematic process to enhance an employee’s skills, knowledge, and competency, resulting in better performance in a work setting. Specifically, learning is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Development is the broadening and deepening of knowledge in line with one’s development goals. Furthermore, In today's rapidly changing world, L&D is more important than ever. Businesses need to be able to adapt to new technologies and market conditions, and they need employees who have the skills and knowledge to do so. L&D can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition and achieve their goals.

  16. This insightful article emphasizes the critical role of Learning and Development (L&D) in enhancing employee skills and organizational success. Rahul (2022) It aptly covers the diverse dimensions of L&D, including training, development, and organizational improvement. The benefits, from increased productivity to enhanced job satisfaction, are well-highlighted. The author's personal experience in the insurance industry adds credibility to the discussion. The article effectively underscores the essential nature of continuous learning in today's competitive landscape, making a compelling case for investing in L&D for both individuals and businesses.

  17. Your blog encapsulates the essence of Learning and Development beautifully. It serves as a reminder of the ever-evolving journey we undertake to enhance our knowledge and skills. Learning and Development are the lifeblood of personal and professional growth, and your insights are a valuable source of inspiration for anyone committed to lifelong learning. Thank you for highlighting the importance of this ongoing process.

  18. Nice article on the significance of learning and development at an organizational level. This is often highlighted while reviewing key parameters like employee turnover and underperformance. In my experience, I have seen various instances where the management of large conglomerates fails to facilitate employee learning and development, i.e., the strategies utilized are either ineffective or the context, justification, or timeline are severely flawed.

  19. The piece defines learning and development really well.Additionally, "How can a proactive learning and development strategy improve employee satisfaction, retention, and overall organizational success?" is another question that needs an answer in your opinion.


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