Artical 06 - Disadvantages, Due to Lack of Learning and Development

Disadvantages, due to a Lack of Learning and Development 
Disadvantages, due to a lack of learning and development refer to the negative consequences that arise when organizations fail to prioritize the ongoing enhancement of employees' skills, knowledge, and competencies through training initiatives and professional development opportunities.
The main considerable negative impact of lack of training in an organization is weakened performance of employees means not training can affect to employees’ less productivity, safety in workplace and it ultimately reduces the overall well-being of the organization (Gendron, 2022).
Ignoring regular training may cause to reduce team moral, performance of the business and financial turnover which may directly impact to increase the good employee retention ( Hendy, 2023) 

                                                                    Source - You Tube -
Both employees and employers may suffer greatly from a lack of emphasis on learning and development. This is how: 
Disadvantages for Employees
  • Stagnation: Without possibilities for skill development or career advancement, employees may feel stuck in their existing positions. Frustration and discontent may result from this.
  • Limited Advancement: Due to a lack of training and skill development, employees may find it difficult to advance in their careers. This can make them feel devalued and unloved.
  • Reduced Confidence: Employees who aren't given the chance to develop their abilities may feel less confident, which can affect how well they perform overall and how motivated they are to take on difficulties.
  • Increased Stress: When workers lack the expertise to complete their jobs, their stress levels may increase and they may feel overwhelmed.
  • Skills that are Outdated: Without continuous learning, employees' skills may become out of date, lowering their level of employ ability and limiting their long-term career opportunities.
  • Low Morale: Lack of investment in staff development can result in discouragement and lower job satisfaction, which in turn causes low morale and a hostile work environment.

Disadvantages for Employers
  • High Turnover: When employees feel their demands aren't being satisfied, they may quit the company in search of possibilities for growth and development. This leads to greater turnover rates and recruitment expenditures.
  • Lack of Innovation: Employees who aren't pushed to learn and change their ways may find it difficult to come up with novel solutions and stay current with market trends.
  • Ineffective Workforce: Employees may find it difficult to adapt to changing job requirements without skill development, which can result in errors, rework, and low customer satisfaction.
  • Loss of Competitive Advantage: Businesses who don't invest in the training of their workforce risk losing that edge to rivals that have more skillful and adaptive workers.
  • Reduced output: Employees with insufficient training may require more time to complete tasks and may not perform at their peak levels, which will have an impact on the level of output as a whole.
  • Unfavorable Reputation: If staff members suffer undervaluation and lack of assistance, they may post unfavorable testimonials on websites like glass door, which would be detrimental to the business's employer brand.
  • Hampered Succession Planning: When senior personnel leave or move on, a lack of leadership development can result in a leadership void that may compromise business continuity.
  • Missed Opportunities: Staff members who aren't given the chance to develop may fail to recognize or seize chances for innovation or new projects.
  • Higher Training Costs: Without continual learning, firms could have to pay more to provide training all at once when new skills are finally required.
 According to the research outcome of the research done with Malaysian SME company, the resulting output was the 85 percent of employees shows high performance due to well trained, but 15 percent shows considerably low performance, and the identified reason is lack of training and learning practice in that particular section (Al-Mzary et al, 2013).
 How to Deal with Lack of Training at Work 
According to the Hendy, N (2023) there are a lot of drawbacks to a lack of workplace training.There are steps you can take to address a lack of training at work, including.
01 - Encouraging conversations around developmentThere will probably be some learning and training involved in order to accomplish a goal. Employees will apply themselves fully to training if conversation about training is encouraged and it is made clear to them why it is necessary. Understanding each employee's individual growth objectives can also be facilitated through open dialogues.
02 - Creating personal development plansMaking personal development plans for each employee is one method of determining their training requirements. This will make it easier for you to spell out the employee's objectives and the steps they must take to reach them.

In conclusion, neglecting learning and development initiatives can have detrimental effects on both employees and organizations. For a motivated, proficient, and successful workforce, which in turn fosters organizational growth and sustainability, a comprehensive and ongoing approach to training and skill building is crucial.

Al-Mzary, M. M. M. , Al-rifai, A. D.A., Al-Momany, M. O. E. (2015) Training and its Impact on the Performance of Employees at Jordanian Universities from the Perspective of Employees: The Case of Yarmouk University, Journal of Education and Practice, 16(32), pp. 128-138. 

Gendron, B (2022) How the lack of training affects your organization, Lack-Training-Affects-Organization [Online], Available at Accessed on 13th August 2023.
Hendy, N (2023) The consequences of a lack of training in the workplace, Lack-of-Training-in-the-Workplace [Online], Available at, Accessed on 13th August 2023.  



  1. Hi Wasantha , well discussed the disadvantages due to lack of proper training and developments on the employees and employer's end. The employee stressed with the work environment as well as within the organizational culture. Not develop their skill for tomorrow's requirements, frustration build up , the inefficiencies and fear of using the new techniques , and equipment's, lack of motivation and resistance to change are the issues that can easily identify with the employees aspects. Valuable ideas and detailed well.

    1. You've clearly described some typical issues that workers may encounter in the workplace and company culture. These difficulties may significantly affect workers' health, productivity, and general workplace satisfaction.

  2. Interesting article to read. According to Tina, (2019) employees can contribute to the success of the company when they are trained to perform their jobs according to industry standards. Training, which is essential for management as well as staff, typically consists of several classes onsite or at a different location during orientation. Some companies consider in-depth training an unnecessary expense and expect new employees to learn on the job from supervisors and older employees. However, this type of training is often inadequate and creates problems for the business.

  3. A very interesting and informative article Wasantha! Thanks for your valuable time and effort invested in formulating the same. The efficient management of human capital acquisition and training is crucial for organizational success. In a study of nearly 1,000 companies, carried out by Huselid (1995) found that the use of high-performance work practices (including effective recruitment and selection, compensation systems, and training) predicted employee retention and performance as well as long-term measures of productivity. For instance, Delaney and Huselid (1996) found that effective practices by organizations related to staffing and training were positively related to perceived organizational performance.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Agreed, Ignoring employee skill enhancement negatively impacts both individuals and organizations. Employees face stagnation, limited growth, reduced confidence, stress, outdated skills, and low morale. Employers experience high turnover, lack of innovation, inefficiency, competitive disadvantage, poor reputation, and missed opportunities. (Bjork, E. L., and Bjork, R. A. 2011). Consistent and comprehensive learning and development are crucial for a motivated and thriving workforce, promoting organizational growth and sustainability.

  6. Hi Wasantha
    I enjoyed reading your blog post on the disadvantages of a lack of learning and development. You did a great job of summarizing the many ways that this can impact both employees and employers.
    I was particularly interested in your point about the importance of encouraging conversations around development. I think it's so important for employees to feel like they have a say in their own learning and development, and that their goals are being taken into account. When employees feel like they are part of the process, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn. I also thought your suggestion of creating personal development plans was a great one. This is a great way to ensure that employees are getting the training they need to succeed in their roles, and that their development is aligned with the goals of the organization.

  7. An impressive article about how the lack of proper training affects employees and organisations as well. A lack of training also hampers innovation and adaptability, as employees may not have the skills needed to keep up with changing industry trends and technologies. Overall, inadequate training undermines organisational effectiveness, impairs growth, and erodes competitiveness in the long run. Proper training, on the other hand, empowers employees, enhances their performance, and contributes to a thriving and resilient organisation.

    1. True . The effects of inadequate employee training go well beyond a person's immediate performance. It hinders organizational effectiveness, innovation, adaptation, growth and competitiveness, and organizational efficiency.

  8. Agreed, According to Turner (2021) states that incorporating a comprehensive approach to learning and development is essential to mitigate these disadvantages. Prioritizing ongoing training and skill development can lead to a more engaged, motivated, and effective workforce, contributing to the long-term success of the organization.

  9. I agree with your comment
    Kum,Cowden(2014) Explains Training and development is a key activity that aims to improve the performance of employees inside an organization. Employees' relevant skills and intellectual capacity must be increased in order to establish competent committees.
    Furthermore, inefficient employee training and development affects organizational productivity, as organizations rely on having people with the necessary skills, attitudes, and capacities to achieve their goals efficiently.

    Here are some additional things that organizations can do to promote training and development:

    Make training a priority in the budget.
    Provide opportunities for employees to learn new skills, both on the job and through formal training programs.
    Offer flexible training options, such as online courses or self-paced learning.
    Recognize and reward employees for their participation in training.
    Create a culture of learning and development where employees feel encouraged to take on new challenges and grow their skills.

  10. Your blog thoughtfully outlines the disadvantages that can arise when organisations neglect Learning and Development. It's a crucial discussion, shedding light on the potential setbacks that can occur when skills stagnate, and growth opportunities are missed. Your insights serve as a compelling reminder of the importance of investing in employee development for both individuals and the organisations they serve. Thank you for addressing this critical aspect of workplace success.

  11. Hi Wasantha, intersting to read this. In order to emphasise the need of emphasising employee skill enhancement and professional progress, the essay demonstrates the detrimental effects of a lack of learning and development in organisations. Poor training can have a negative effect on the health of the organisation overall as well as on staff performance and workplace safety. While disregarding training initiatives can lead to poor team and business performance, regular training increases employee confidence, contentment, and overall team performance. Employees enjoy growth chances and may look for alternative options, therefore disregarding learning and development might result in lower turnover and better employee retention.

  12. Your article effectively highlights the significant disadvantages that arise from a lack of learning and development within organizations. The negative impacts on employee performance, morale, advancement, and well-being underscore the importance of continuous training initiatives. Your clear examples, such as the decrease in team morale and financial turnover, emphasize the broader implications of not prioritizing learning.

    The outlined disadvantages for both employees and employers provide a comprehensive understanding of the consequences of neglecting training. From reduced confidence and outdated skills for employees to high turnover and hampered succession planning for employers, the article showcases how these drawbacks can affect various aspects of the workplace.

    Moreover, your suggestions on how to address this issue, including encouraging development conversations and creating personal development plans, provide practical steps for organizations to tackle the problem. Your conclusion aptly summarizes the key message: a comprehensive approach to learning and development is essential for building a motivated and successful workforce, ensuring organizational growth and sustainability.


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