Article 08 - Developing Leadership via Learning & Development

 Developing Leadership via Learning & Development

The process of developing leadership through learning and development include designing intentional, structured programs that allow people to gain and improve the abilities, knowledge, and traits required to be successful leaders. This method acknowledges that leadership is not just an innate quality but can also be developed and improved through intentional learning activities.

Development of leaders must include learning and development (L&D). L&D may assist organizations in creating a strong pipeline of leaders by giving them the information, training, and experiences they need to succeed.

According to Armstrong and Taylor, (2014) Leadership means inspiring people to do their best to achieve a desired result. It involves developing and communicating a vision for the future, motivating people and securing their engagement. Leadership development tends to be concerned with nurturing the softer skills of leadership through various educational processes, including formal learning events and programmes and coaching. Leadership development programmes prepare people for leadership roles and situations beyond their current experience.

Leadership skills include the ability to:

Inspire others

Persuade others willingly to behave differently

Clarify what needs to be done and why

Communicate a sense of purpose to the team

Get the team into action so that the task is achieved.

Despite the fact that there are still few research-related publications on leaders and leadership development, this field is expanding and has already helped us understand some key elements of the leadership development process more thoroughly on the basis of empirical research.(Bryman et al., 2011)

The importance of leadership development extends beyond the individual level. The nature of today’s complex and interconnected organizations requires strong leadership. Effective leaders can have a positive impact on their organizations, while similarly ineffective leaders can have a negative one. Leadership development programs should focus on building interpersonal and intrapersonal leadership skills, as well as employ a variety of development tools. (Davis, T & Christian, C. 2016)


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The following are some tips for developing leadership through learning and development:

  • Assessment and Identification: Your business should begin by recognizing those who have the potential to become leaders. This may entail self-evaluation, peer and supervisor feedback, and performance evaluations.
  • Leadership Competencies: Identify the key traits and actions that support the values and objectives of your organization. Communication, judgment, flexibility, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and other skills may be among them.
  • Mentoring and coaching: Assign new leaders to seasoned mentors or coaches who may offer them individualized advice, share their ideas, and assist them in overcoming obstacles. This one-on-one engagement is crucial for developing leadership skills.
  • Structured Learning Paths: Create pathways for leaders-to-be to follow. These routes ought to combine formal instruction with workshops, self-study materials, hands-on learning, and real-world application.
  • Leadership Training Programs: Establish specialized training courses aimed at fostering leadership. These courses may cover subjects including team development, ethical leadership, delegation, and conflict resolution.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: Use assessments of 360 degrees of feedback to give leaders a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and potential for development. This criticism promotes self-awareness and directs efforts toward progress.
  • Experiential Learning: Offer leaders chances to learn by doing. Give them demanding tasks, cross-functional teams, and leadership positions where they can use their abilities in practical settings.
  • Action Learning initiatives: Involve executives in initiatives that apply action learning principles to the resolution of actual business issues. This strategy encourages teamwork, critical thinking, and inventive problem-solving.
  • Simulations and role-playing: Include leadership simulations and role-playing exercises to provide leaders the chance to practice decision-making, conflict-resolution, and complicated issue handling in a safe environment.
  • Networking and Peer Learning: Inspire leaders to take part in industry conferences, networking activities, and peer learning groups. They are exposed to fresh ideas and receive varied viewpoints via interacting with other leaders.
  • Measuring and Tracking Progress: Create key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the advancement of leadership development. Improved team performance, levels of employee engagement, and productive project outcomes are a few examples of these measures.
  • Culture of Continuous Learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning by making online leadership and management courses, webinars, articles, and other tools accessible.
  • Feedback Loops: Promote open communication and feedback channels among supervisors, teams, and leaders. Constructive criticism enables leaders to comprehend their influence and make the required corrections.
  • Stretch Assignments: Give leaders tasks or projects that require them to venture outside of their comfort zones. These "stretch assignments" assist them in gaining new abilities and self-assurance.
Development and learning as a leader is a continuous process that calls for dedication from both the company and the individual. Organizations may build a solid pipeline of competent and successful leaders by developing a complete approach that integrates formal training, experience learning, mentor ship, and continual development.

Driving innovation, encouraging development, and managing the challenges of a rapidly changing world all depend on the insurance business developing its leadership. Developing leadership in the insurance industry requires a strategic, holistic approach that aligns with the industry's unique challenges and opportunities.


Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management. 13th ed. New Delhi, Kogan Page Limited.

Bryman, A., Collinson, D., Grint, K., Jackson, B. and Uhl-Bien, M. (2011). The Sage handbook of leadership. Los Angeles Sage.

Davis, T & Christian, C (2016). Leadership Development. 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_1892-1.


  1. Agreed, Leadership development is the process of enhancing leadership skills through structured learning, mentoring, and experiential opportunities. It involves identifying potential leaders, fostering key competencies like communication and teamwork, and measuring progress with feedback (Bass, B. M. 1985). By creating a culture of continuous learning and challenging assignments, organizations build a capable leadership pipeline that aligns with industry demands and drives innovation.

    1. I appreciate that you cited Bass (1985), whose research was important in helping us grasp the value of developing leadership abilities. In fact, developing future leaders inside an organization depends heavily on fostering a culture of lifelong learning and offering challenging chances.

  2. Hi Wasantha
    I have read your article and I think you have written a great piece on leadership development. I agree with you that leadership is not just an innate quality, but can also be developed and improved through intentional learning activities.
    I think the tips you have provided for developing leadership through learning and development are very helpful. I especially like the suggestion of using 360-degree feedback to give leaders a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and potential for development. This feedback can be very valuable in helping leaders identify areas where they need to improve.

  3. Agreed, Turner (2022) states that effective leadership is crucial for complex and interconnected organizations. Strong leaders can positively impact organizations, while ineffective leaders can have a negative influence.

  4. Good article. you have properly describe about all key element in training and development.
    In essence, cultivating the leaders of tomorrow via learning and development is a proactive approach to leadership development. It acknowledges that being a leader is more than simply a job title; it also requires a set of abilities and traits that may be developed through time. Organizations can build a strong leadership pipeline that advances the organization by using well-designed L&D programs to inspire and mentor others, generating a positive cycle of continuous progress.

  5. Insightful article to understand and educate on the importance of developing leadership through learning and development. The tips for developing leadership through learning and development are very descriptive and viable in the real world. As you stated above, development and learning as a leader are continuous processes that call for dedication from both the company and the individual. Organisations may build a solid pipeline of competent and successful leaders by developing a complete approach that integrates formal training, experiential learning, mentorship, and continual development. Obviously, I believe that this is a win-win situation for both the organisation and the employee.

    1. Absolutely . Organizations that invest in leadership development foster a culture of growth and empowerment, fostering a diverse group of competent leaders equipped to drive success and tackle future challenges.

  6. I agree with the points made in the article.
    Sonnino(2016)Leadership development is the process of helping people develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to be effective leaders.
    Establishing leadership in the insurance sector requires a holistic strategy aligned with industry challenges like digitalization, automation, compliance with regulations, and adaptability to changing client needs. Visionary, strategic thinkers, data-driven decision-makers, and agile leaders are essential for overcoming these challenges.

  7. Your blog masterfully navigates the intersection of leadership development and Learning & Development programs. It's a thought-provoking piece that highlights the symbiotic relationship between continuous learning and effective leadership. Your insights offer valuable guidance for organisations striving to foster capable leaders through well-designed development initiatives. Thank you for emphasising this crucial component of leadership evolution.

  8. Thank you for your positive feedback on my blog, which highlighted the crucial connection between learning and leadership development in today's rapidly evolving business environment.

  9. Hi wasantha , Your article post succinctly captures the essence of leadership development through learning. I particularly appreciate how you emphasize the transition from viewing leadership as innate to recognizing its developmental aspect. Your outlined tips for fostering leadership growth are practical and aligned with the evolving needs of organizations in today's dynamic landscape.

  10. Excellent effort!! In addition to what you said, Leadership training is a must for every company because it is one of sure-fire ways of building effective leadership, and delivering exceptional business results.

    Each organization has a unique culture and, therefore, a unique concept of leadership. However, as Vroom and Jago (2007) observe:

    “Virtually all definitions of leadership share the view that leadership involves the process of influence”

    Without a doubt, great leaders are capable of influencing others in many ways.

    They are a source of motivation and inspiration; a powerful force that drives positive culture changes and keeps teams moving forward. (Oragui, 2023)

  11. Good effort. Developing leadership skills is a major topic and it will effect for entire organization. In today's dynamic business landscape, where agility and innovation are paramount, organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of investing in learning and development (L&D) initiatives to cultivate their future leaders. As per John Quincy Adams “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”

  12. Very interesting and informative article. Leadership training programs are designed to develop the leadership skills, qualities, and abilities of individuals within the organization. These programs are created to enhance leadership skills, qualities, and competencies in individuals within an organization. These programs seek to create strong leaders who can guide teams, make sound decisions, and enhance organizational success. Programs for developing key leadership competencies typically provide participants with a variety of learning opportunities. These might include strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, decision-making, problem-solving, and communication.
    The new learning approach can be used to capture actual learning in a professional development venue, bring the learning into the participants' full consciousness, stimulate individual and group processing for iterative knowledge construction, and provide a higher level of program evaluation.
    (Aalsburg Wiessner and González Sullivan, 2007)

  13. A very interesting article Wasantha! Thanks for your time and effort invested in formulating the same. Agreed with your article! As you said, leadership development programmes are intended to help individuals inside an organisation enhance their leadership skills, qualities, and talents. Development and growing as a leader are ongoing activities that necessitate commitment from both the firm and the individual and beneficial to both parties. This is also evident with the article by Aguinis and Kraiger (2009) which provides evidence in favour of your article.

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. Please feel free to submit any additional thoughts or inquiries you may have regarding leadership development or related issues. We can all learn from and develop as leaders by participating in these dialogues.

  14. The success of an organization's leadership is emphasized in the essay. Through learning and development efforts that offer knowledge, instruction, and worthwhile experiences, a solid leadership pipeline is created. Particularly for insurance companies, a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to leadership development is essential because it fosters creativity and gives leaders the tools they need to overcome obstacles in fast-paced situations.

  15. Your article provides a comprehensive insight into the process of developing leadership through learning and development. You adeptly highlight that leadership isn't solely an inherent trait but can be nurtured and enhanced through deliberate learning endeavors.

    By emphasizing the significance of intentional, structured programs and the cultivation of essential leadership qualities, you underscore how these efforts contribute to building strong leaders who can guide organizations toward success. The incorporation of mentorship, coaching, structured learning paths, training programs, feedback mechanisms, and experiential learning showcases a holistic approach to leadership development.

    Your mention of the insurance industry's need for strategic and holistic leadership development, considering its unique challenges and opportunities, adds depth to your narrative. In a world where adaptability and innovation are paramount, your article serves as a roadmap for organizations seeking to foster effective leadership through a continuous process of learning and growth.

  16. Informative article and the contents discussed in a effective way. According to Armstrong and Taylor, (2014) Leadership means inspiring people to do their best to achieve a desired result.
    This is a continues approach of developing and communicating to get the targets for the future, Motivation is the next part to people for securing their work.
    Leadership development will lead to develop their soft skills.
    Outbound Training , educational tours , inhouse job rotation , are the learning events.

  17. Your introduction emphasizes the concept of leadership as something that can be nourished and honed via intentional learning activities. This establishes the context for the article's investigation of how learning and development activities help to the growth of great leaders.

    The use of external sources in the article, such as Armstrong and Taylor (2014), lends legitimacy and depth to the topic. These writers' definition of leadership adequately captures the complex character of leadership, incorporating vision, motivation, and engagement. Well done


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